Features of AmigaOS 3.9
- AsyncWB - adds asynchronous copying and delete functionality to Workbench
ACTION - AVI & Quicktime Player
- plays AVI and Quicktime videos
- highly optimized 68k version
AMPlifier - MP3/WAV/AIFF Player
- plays MP3, WAV, and AIFF sound files
- paulaaudio.device (there is no
need to install AHI)
MPEGA.Library - Software MP3 Decoder
PlayCD - New CD Player
- plays music CDs
- new animated skin system
- programmable
CacheCDFS - CD ROM Support (*3.5)
- CacheCDFS - CD-ROM File System
- ISO9660, RockRidge, Joliet (Win 95/98) and MAC HFS compatible
- supports Amiga protection bit and file comments
- MultiSession CD-ROM support
- CDFSPrefs - Preferences tool for
- BootCacheCDFS - Loads CacheCDFS
reset resident for JumpStart
- Autoboot InstallCDFS - Installer
script for easy installation of CD-ROMs
- FindDevice - Tool to search for
connected CD-ROM drives
AWEB 3.4 Special Edition - Internet Browser
- works online and offline
- supports HTML 3.0 and most of HTML 4.0
- supports JavaScript
Main limitations in this special version:
- only runs on AmigaOS 3.9 and higher
- only supports one browser window
- supplied documentation is limited
- hotlist cannot be saved
- no graphical print function
Internet / Network Access - TCP/IP Stack
- connects your Amiga to the Internet
- easy selection of Internet Service Providers
- connects to other computers (LAN)
- full version; no time-limit
AmigaMAIL - E-Mail Client (*3.5)
- easy to configure and use
- based on the e-mail library
AmiDOCK - Program Start Bar
- easy to use program start tool like the Apple "Klickstarter", but far
more powerful
- add new programs with drag & drop
RAWBInfo & several other tools
- RAWBInfo - a powerful new info
- NewIconEmu - emulates NewIcons
on the new system
- colorwheel.gadget - new color wheel
with true color support
- gradientslider.gadget - new gradient slider
- string.gadget - new string gadget
with lots of functions
- ASLPatch - a new file selector
Automatic file type recognition
- DefIcons is a powerful system that defines which application is launched when
a file is double-clicked
- very flexible and powerful
Improved Libraries & System Tools
- new icon.library
- patches to workbench.library
- patches to intuition.library
- new API functionality
- additional products
Find & Clock
- Find tool (files, and within files)
- Workbench clock (Animated Icon)
- new text.datatype
IomegaTools - tools for Zip and Jazz drives
New Shell & many other tools
- ViNCEd - powerful Shell with history, etc.
- diskfont.library - bugfixes and new fontcaching
- FixFonts - cache management
- More - bugfixes
- BenchTrash - new trashcan
- mathieeedoubbas - bugfixes
- mathieeedoubtrans - bugfixes
- mathieeesingtrans - bugfixes
- rexxmathlib.library
Unpacker Tool
- tool to support the DefIcon system and xad.library
- decrunchs lha, lzx, zip and many others
- easy to use
XAD Library - Universal Decruncher System
- decrunchs lha, lzx, zip and many others
Picture Datatype - New Improved Version
- PowerPC/68K fat binary
- supports picture scaling
Improved Prefs
- Workbench - new features: title bar on/off, icons in FastRAM, fuel gauge on/off,
- IPrefs - now uses the scaling features of the new picture datatype & 1:1
aspect ratio of all window borders
- AHI prefs
- ScreenMode prefs - added "Test" button
- WBPattern - select button for scaling feature
- IControl
Icons - New Icon Style (*3.5)
- new complete icon set for all system tools
- new icons for most applications
WarpOS - New Version
- WarpOS PowerPC support
- AmigaOS compatible integration
- extensive functionality
- hardware independent driver system
WarpOS prefs
- direct control over the features of WarpOS
- Harddisk Toolkit (*3.5)
- scanning the SCSI bus
- read the physical information of the hard disk
- read/write the logical information (RDB)
- create Mount files
- read special Mount entries to restore the RDB
- HDToolBox application that uses the low-level library
- new GUI style
NSDPatch -Support for Harddisks >4GB (*3.5)
- L:FastFileSystem - adds 64-bit
support according to the new style device based trackdisk64 standard
- NSDPatch - integrated into SetPatch
- implements a standard for 64-bit devices
- adds support for NSD to a lot of standard and third-party devices (many different
scsi devices, ide devices ...)
- allows access to partitions and disks > 4GB
- fixes bugs in certain devices (mfm.device,
some SANA II devices)
HDwrench.library (*3.5)
- supports drives beyond 4 gigabytes, up to the limit of SCSI disk addressability
Text-Editor-Gadget (*3.5)
- supports ReAction/ClassAct
- support for text styles (bold, italic & underline)
- multi-level undo & redo
- support for alignment (left, center & right)
- separators with an optional title
- supports marking via the mouse or the keyboard (using
- supports all types of fonts (proportional,
fixed, even colour fonts)
- floating wordwrap, i.e. text automatically
reflows if you resize the window (though optional hard-wrap is also possible)
- interface for arexx support
(*3.5) These programs were already part of OS 3.5